Multiclass Classification: One-vs-all

Multiclass Classification: One-vs-all

Classify more than just 0 and 1. Examples:

  • Email foldering/tagging: Work (y=1), Friends (2), Family (3), Hobby (4)
  • Medical diagrams: Not ill (1), Cold (2), Flu (3)
  • Weather: Sunny (1), Cloudy (2), Rain (3), Snow (4)
Summary by Filip:
  • Logistic regression is a classification algorithm and not a regression algorithm, although "regression" is part of the name
  • Hypothesis equals sigmoid/logistic function of theta_transpose * x
  • The derivative of J(theta) is the same as for linear regression, i.e. 1/m * sum((h(x) - y)*x). However, the hypothesis is different. While the hypothesis in linear regression is h(x) = theta_transpose * X , the hypothesis in logistic regression is 1/(1+e^(theta_transpose * x))
  • Function z does not have to be linear; it can be everything, e.g. circle
  • When dealing with multiclass logistic regression, if we follow the one vs. all approach, we can simplify the problem to simple binary classification problem. So we estimate P(y=i|x;theta) for i={1,..n} for each class and take the max

